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Fairytale Intertwined: A Magical Night at TCA

In a spectacular end-of-term production, Academy students showcased their incredible talent in Fairytale Intertwined. After months of dedication and rehearsals, the students delivered a fantastic performance that captivated an audience of around 100, including parents and staff. The show, which blended classic fairytales in a fresh and exciting way, was met with resounding applause and admiration.

We are immensely proud of our students for stepping up and performing with such confidence and enthusiasm. This was the first production at the Academy in nearly a decade, and we are thrilled with the outcome. It’s our goal to make this an annual event, and we look forward to welcoming parents and carers to future performances.

Next up for our Drama Club is the Shakespeare Festival in March. We can't wait to see what our talented students will bring to the stage next!