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Curriculum Plans

Key Stage 3 - Years 7, 8 & 9

Across the Academy, the curriculum is designed and tailored to ensure that all students will have access to a rich, broad and balanced experience, allowing students to develop the knowledge and skills to be successful in future life. The school’s curriculum is planned and sequenced to identify and address student’s gaps, allowing the building of new knowledge and transferable skills.

Curriculum plans and schemes of learning in all subjects have strategic five-year plans in place throughout which the key skills, Golden Knowledge and understanding required for success have been mapped out. Transition is eased by staff delivering a curriculum that strengthens and builds on their KS2 knowledge.

The Academy operates a two-week timetable (Week A and Week B).

The Curriculum model (Two-Week Timetable)

Key Stage 3

Key Stage 4

  • All students experience a broad and balanced curriculum which is ambitious for all.
  • Science at KS3 follows the AQA 'Big Ideas' curriculum.
  • Throughout KS3 students will study Design & Technology, Art & Art Textiles, Food Technology, Music and Performing Arts.
  • Students receive two hours of Religion & Ethics across the fortnight.
  • PSHCE is delivered through a designated fortnightly lesson and the weekly Learning for Life lesson which moves across the timetable.
  • On arrival at TCA, students have the option of studying either French or Spanish. Urdu is introduced in Year 9 to students who are interested in pursuing this as a GCSE in Year 10.
  • We encourage a passion for reading. All students have regular access to the library and participate in the Academy's reader development programme. Weaker readers have access to bespoke intervention pathways. 

Key Stage 4 - Years 10 & 11

Students start their KS4 qualifications in Year 10. During the Options process in Year 9, information for each student is carefully analysed and each child is directed towards an appropriate pathway which will facilitate the best outcomes and best engage them.  A wide range of subjects and types of qualifications are offered in order to suit all learning styles.  It is expected that at least 90% of students will fill all Progress 8 buckets and that all students will study a Humanities subject in addition to the core subjects of English, maths and science. The EBacc pathway is strongly recommended to targeted students but ultimately it is the students that drive the curriculum.

Personal Development is provided through weekly Learning for Life lessons, weekly assemblies and termly Enrichment Days. Learning for Life provides education in Careers, Citizenship, PSHE and Religion and Ethics (Y11). Students in Y10 receive a fortnightly Religious Education lesson. There is a focus on developing student’s Moral, Spiritual, Social and Cultural understanding, to ensure that students are well prepared for a happy and successful life in modern Britain.

To view our curriculum plans, please follow the subject link shown on the menu to the right.