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Curriculum Intent:

We will:

  • Continue to develop a broad and balanced curriculum which is ambitious for all, accelerates progress and enhances students’ cultural capital so that they can be successful in future life
  • Ensure that lessons are knowledge-rich, challenging and organised into coherent and clear Schemes of Learning as part of a systematic approach to curriculum design
  • Equip teachers with a pedagogical approach which allows them to demonstrate components of knowledge (‘I Do’), and provide high quality modelled examples of good quality work (‘We Do’)
  • Ensure that students are given regular opportunities to practice and recall previous knowledge learnt through independent periods of learning (‘You Do’)
  • Use ongoing assessment to identify what students know, what gaps in knowledge they have, and skillfully intervene to plug those gaps
  • Ensure that all students will achieve the best possible academic outcomes regardless of individual backgrounds, needs or circumstances

The TCA curriculum will ensure that:

  • All students will develop a love of learning and will be well rounded individuals who are able to work independently
  • All students will develop their moral integrity and know how to keep themselves happy and safe
  • All students will secure functional literacy and numeracy skills
  • Students are engaged and enthused, and that their studies are enriched by extra-curricular opportunities which they enjoy and thrive in
  • All students will have high aspirations and gain qualifications needed to access an ambitious Post-16 pathway
  • Students will be provided access to a wide range of experiences to support the development of cultural capital including independent, high quality careers guidance

For further details, please see our curriculum aims and curriculum policy documents.