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Art Textiles

The aim of the Art Textiles department is for students to be inspired whilst developing independence, resilience and respect through discovering new knowledge and skills with a strong social, cultural and moral focus. The subject area is practical based and students develop their skills in a range of textile areas such as print making, stitching, dying techniques and construction. A wide range of resources allow students to create fabrics that have been stitched, woven, felted and printed.  Students will investigate pattern, colour and texture alongside artists and existing products. They can experience both traditional and modern techniques and develop their own textile pieces.

Key Stage 3
In Year 7 students begin their journey in textiles with a cultural project looking at the theme African Safari. The project aims to give students a foundation in the subject learning how to set up and use the sewing machines, creating a range of stitch samples, learn how to tie dye and use transfer paints effectively. In Year 8 students investigate Street Art building on skills from Year 7 and introduce new skills including block printing and stencilling. In Y9 students develop their knowledge and skills further by initially building up a skills based project to develop independence and confidence using the sewing machine developing skills including applique, quilting and free machine embroidery . They then produce their own Pop Art inspired final piece. Health and safety is a key part of the textiles curriculum and is embedded throughout KS3.

Why study this course at GCSE?
GCSE Art Textiles is an exciting, extremely hands on and creative experience for the students. We have amazing resources to create fabrics that have been stitched, woven, felted and printed.  Students will investigate pattern, colour and texture. They can experience natural dyes, traditional and modern techniques and develop their own textile pieces or products for the future.

Description of the course:
The course is broken down into a series of mini projects that look at developing skills and interests in different areas of textiles including art textiles, fashion, surface pattern design and home furnishings. Ideas are developed through investigations including researching artists and cultures. They then undertake two major practical based project further developing their interests and skills.

How the course is assessed:
In Y11 students are given an externally set assignment which will lead into producing their final exam piece.  Students are assessed against 4 Assessment Objectives:  1 Investigating, 2 Experimenting with techniques, 3 Observations and explanations (drawing and annotation), 4 Final pieces.

60% coursework portfolio – All work produced in Years 10 and 11 will be entered for assessment.
40% examination – Preparatory period then a ten hour practical controlled exam (2 days) to produce a final outcome  is taken later in Year 11.  

Other information:
This course will leave students with many art based options post 16. 

Careers in: Textiles, Art, Surface Pattern Design, Fashion Design, Journalism, Retail.

Curriculum Plans
Curriculum plans for Art Textiles can be viewed from the links below.