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Senior Leadership Team

Welcome to our Senior Leadership Team

Mr M Burton - Headteacher


I have worked at TCA since 2006, when I started here as a Newly Qualified Teacher in the English Department. I progressed over time until, in 2018, I was fortunate and privileged enough to be offered the role as Headteacher. Ultimately, my role is to uphold our expectations of ‘Be nice, work hard’, which exist for every student, member of staff, visitor or parent who attends TCA.

How do we do that? Firstly, we create an environment where behaviour is exceptional - students are here to learn and teachers are here to teach. We also do it by placing high expectations on students, with exceptional pastoral support, and through teaching and learning which helps students to learn more, remember more, ultimately leading to academic success.

As a father myself, I know the trust that a parent puts into their child’s school every single day. Nobody at TCA takes that trust for granted, and I want to work with parents to make absolutely sure that when a child leaves us at the end of year 11, they are a highly educated, ambitious, outstanding young person, ready to make a positive impact in the local community and the wider world.

Mr J O'Hara - Senior Deputy Headteacher

My own educational philosophy is strongly based upon the importance of excellent curriculum provision and engaging learning opportunities, which are provided best in a truly comprehensive setting.

My leadership specialism is centred on teaching and learning, specifically developing creative and innovative teams of lifelong learners. I ensure that the highest quality of education is central to every decision I make, fundamentally based on the principles of social mobility, equal opportunity and inclusion.

As Senior Deputy Headteacher I work closely with leaders and teachers in our academy along with colleagues across the family of schools that make up SHARE Multi-Academy Trust. This collaborative approach of working practices both supports and promotes the highest quality of educational standards for all of our learners.

My role is to ensure that each and every student receives an ambitious curriculum that is delivered effectively by a skilled group of professionals. Along with a team of colleagues, I quality assure teaching and learning, carefully monitoring the standard of education on offer to students at Thornhill Community Academy.

This work looks closely at all areas of provision, identifying our strengths as well as our areas that we would like to develop further.

Mrs Z Ali - Deputy Headteacher and DSL on SLT

Mrs Ali is Deputy Headteacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead on the Senior Leadership Team.

Ms L Rudd - Assistant Headteacher

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Mr D Goodwin - Director of SEND

We are all different. Understanding and accepting these differences is a huge part of what we do at TCA. A huge part of our expectations – ‘be nice, work hard’ – means supporting everyone, regardless of background, vulnerability or circumstance, to become the person that they can be.

As Director of Inclusion it is my job to ensure that systems are in place to help staff to implement the adjustments that could make a world of difference to people with Special Educational Needs. 

Seeing students with SEND grow into confident, independent young adults is one of the most satisfying parts of my role. Every year I continue to be astonished by, and proud of, the hard work, resilience and endeavour that our students show.

Melanie Delaney-Hudson - Assistant Headteacher

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Mark Ward - Director of Science / Associate Assistant Headteacher

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