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House System

We are very proud of our house system that truly encourages excellence, respect and a real sense of competition.

Students and staff at the academy are members of one of four houses; Austen, Bronte, Dickens or Shakespeare. The house system allows every student and member of staff to feel a sense of belonging and by being a member of the house family, students and staff are encouraged to show team spirit.

House Head of House Deputy Head of House
Dickens (Red) Mr Furzer Miss Keen
Shakespeare (Orange) Mr Ward Mrs Walsh
Bronte (Pink) Miss Greenwood Miss Delaney
Austen (Purple) Mrs Chadwick  

Each house will consist of a Head of House, Deputy Head of House, House Captain (Y11), Deputy House Captain (Y10) and 5 x Sport’s Captains (1 from each year group).

All tutor groups will have an even mix of all four houses. This breaks down barriers between the year groups and creates a sense of togetherness, encouraging the older students to look out for the younger ones.

Each student has a coloured tie that represents the house that they are in.

All students have the opportunity to earn points for their house:

100% attendance/week  = 1 point
100% attendance/half term = 10 points
100% attendance/term  = 20 points

After each term, students’ attitude to learning will be assessed. Those who are consistently good or outstanding will score 20 points for their house. Staff stamps will be given during lessons for effort/achievement. 1 stamp will be worth 1 house point.  Stamps will be collated once per week during tutor time.

Friday Form Quiz
Every week a form quiz containing 10 questions will take place.  Tutor groups will split into their 4 house teams.  Points are allocated as follows:

1st place  = 5 points
2nd place = 3 points
3rd place  = 2 points
4th place  = 1 point

Sports Challenge
Every half term a sports challenge will take place. The Sports’ Captain for that year will organise a team in their year group. Sports day will also enable students to win points for their house.

Star Cards
All staff can give students a star card at any time for making a positive contribution to the academy. These should be filled in and posted in the relevant house box.

Cards Points
Star cards 5
SLT star cards 10
Value postcard 10
Proud cards 5
Wow star cards 5

Value postcards are issued when a student has shown one of the academy’s values. 
Proud star cards are purely linked to presentation of work. 
Wow star cards are issued when a student has attempted to use the word of the week.
In the last week of half term students will be issued their own student star cards to present to ‘worthy’ staff.

Points will be updated weekly and displayed around the academy.